Plant Maintenance PM

Top Table - list SAP © Plant Maintenance Module PM
View table content with transaction SE16, SE16N or SE16H (with HANA-Database) and tablestructure with SE11


TableTable - nameS/4HANA -Table and general Notes
AFIH Maintenance order header In Logical Database PSJ.
AFVC Operation within an order In Logical Database BTM.
AFVU DB structure of the user fields of the operation
AFVV DB structure of the quantities/dates/values in the operation
AUFK Order master data In Logical Database ODK PSJ. Order category (AUTYP) = 30 for Maintenance order
CAUFV View Order Headers PP/CO In Logical Database BTM POH.
EQKT Equipment Short Texts
EQUI Equipment master data In Logical Database WTY.
EQUZ Equipment time segment
IFLO Functional Location (View)
IFLOSFunctional Location Labels
IFLOT Functional Location (Table) In Logical Database WTY.
IHPA Plant Maintenance: Partners
ILOA PM Object Location and Account Assignment
ITOB PM technical objects (EQUI, funcational location)
OBJKPlant Maintenance Object List

Fixed Assets   go to all Fixed Assets Tables

TableTable - nameS/4HANA -Table and general Notes
ANLA Asset Master Record Segment
ANLB Depreciation terms In Logical Database ADA.

Transactional Data   

TableTable - nameS/4HANA -Table and general Notes
AFFL Work order sequence In Logical Database POH PSJ.
AFRU Order Confirmations In Logical Database ODC OFC OHC OPC POH.

Enterprise Structure   Part of the Customizing. To go to the IMG customizing entry, enter the table name in transaction SM30, click on 'Customizing' and then on 'Continue w/o Specifying Project'.

TableTable - nameS/4HANA -Table and general Notes
T001KValuation area
T001LStorage Locations
T001W Plants/Branches
TSPAOrganizational Unit: Sales Divisions

Customizing - Tables   To go to the IMG customizing entry, enter the table name in transaction SM30, click on 'Customizing' and then on 'Continue w/o Specifying Project'.

TableTable - nameS/4HANA -Table and general Notes
T003O Order Types
T350Maintenance Control Parameters: Client/Order Type
T350ICombination of order type and PM activity type allowed
T350WMaintenance control parameters: Order type plant
TCORUParameters for Order Confirmation
TCX00Scheduling: Planning Levels and Control Parameters

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Financial Accounting Module  FI         General Ledger Module  FI-GL         Accounts Receivable Module  FI-AR         Accounts Payable Module  FI-AP         Banks Module  FI-BL         Fixed Assets Module  FI-AA         Controlling Module  CO         Cost Element Accounting Module  CO-OM-CEL         Cost Center Accounting Module  CO-OM-CCA         Internal Orders Module  CO-OM-OPA         Product Cost Controlling Module  CO-PC         Profitcenter Module  EC-PCA         Flexible Real Estate Management Module  RE-FX         Lease Management  RE-FX-LA         Sales and Distribution Module   SD         Materials Management Module  MM         Purchasing Module  MM-PUR         Quality-Management Module  QM         Plant Maintenance Module  PM         Production Planning and Manufacturing Module  PP         Production Planning Process Industries Module  PP-PI         Project System Module  PS         Personnel Management Module  PA         for ABAP           for the Basis and Administrators           Cross Module           Business Partner  AP-MD-BP