Flexible Real Estate Management RE-FX

Top Table - list SAP © Flexible Real Estate Management Module RE-FX
View table content with transaction SE16, SE16N or SE16H (with HANA-Database) and tablestructure with SE11

Business Entity   Objectnumber (OBJNR) = IW* for Business Entities

TableTable - nameS/4HANA -Table and general Notes
VIBDBE Business Entity
VIBDMEAS Measurement Evaluate changes with the transaction RSSCD100 and object class = REBD_MEAS.
VITMOA Term: Organizational Assignment

Building   Objectnumber (OBJNR) = IB* for Buildings

TableTable - nameS/4HANA -Table and general Notes
TIVG1Municipality KeyView V_TIVBDMUNI also shows the obsolete municipalities.
VIBDBU Building
VIBDMEAS Measurement Evaluate changes with the transaction RSSCD100 and object class = REBD_MEAS.

Property   Objectnumber (OBJNR) = IG* for Properties

TableTable - nameS/4HANA -Table and general Notes
TIVG1Municipality KeyView V_TIVBDMUNI also shows the obsolete municipalities.
VIBDMEAS Measurement Evaluate changes with the transaction RSSCD100 and object class = REBD_MEAS.

Rental Object   Objectnumber (OBJNR) = IM* for Rental Objects

TableTable - nameS/4HANA -Table and general Notes
VIBDMEAS Measurement Evaluate changes with the transaction RSSCD100 and object class = REBD_MEAS.
VIBDRO Rental Object

Architectural view   Objectnumber (OBJNR) = I0* for Architectural Objects

TableTable - nameS/4HANA -Table and general Notes
VIBDAO Architectural Object Evaluate changes with the transaction RSSCD100 and object class = REBD_REAO.
VIBDAOFUNCTIONArchitectural Object: Function
VIBDNODEHigher-Level Architectural Object

Contracts in RE-FX   Objectnumber (OBJNR) = IS* for RE-FX Contracts

TableTable - nameS/4HANA -Table and general Notes
T094P Index Figures for Replacement Values
TIV0A RU Usage type ID's
VICAADDTEXT Additional Text for Real Estate Object
VICARSDATE Resubmission Date
VICDCFOBJObject-Related Cash Flow
VICDCFPAYPayment-Related Cash Flow
VICDCOND Condition
VICDCONDCALC Conditions - Calculation Factors and Condition Amounts
VICDCONDDIST Conditions - Distribution Factors and Transfer Amounts
VICN04RE Contract: Owner House Banks
VICNCN Real Estate Contract
VICNDPACTUALActual Security Deposit
VICNMEASCNContract Measurement
VICNNTOBJRELNotice on Objects
VICNSCSAUReal Estate Contract: Settlement Unit
VICNSCSPPReal Estate Contract: Liability Reserves
VIRADOCRE Document Header
VIRAINVRE Invoice Header
VITMNTNotice Term
VITMNTPROCRELIndividual Notice Procedure
VITMNTRULEDRIndividual Deadline Regulation
VITMOA Term: Organizational Assignment
VITMPY Term: Posting Rule
VITMRH Terms: Frequency Rule
VITMRNRenewal Term
VITMWTTerm: Withholding Tax

Adjustments for Contracts and Rental Objects   

TableTable - nameS/4HANA -Table and general Notes
V_REAJINDXPOYEARIndex Points for Index Series with Base Year
V_REAJINDXYEARSBase Years for Index Series with Base Year
VIAJOBJINDXContract/Rental Object: INDX
VIAJRECORDAdjustment record
VIAJRULEContract/Rental Object: Adjustment Rule
VIAJSPECINDXContract/Rental Object: Adjustment Method INDX

Service Charges   Objectnumber (OBJNR) = I1* for Settlement Units , I4* for Participation Groups, IA for Cost collector

TableTable - nameS/4HANA -Table and general Notes
TIVSCTRANSACCAssignment of Clearing Account to Cost Account
VICNSCSReal Estate Contract: Service Charge Key
VICNSCSRHReal Estate Contract: Service Charge Settlement Header
VICNSCSRPReal Estate Contract: Service Charge Settlement Item
VISCCCCost collector for SU (per settlement period)
VISCPG Participation Group
VISCSU Settlement unit

Option Rates   

TableTable - nameS/4HANA -Table and general Notes
VIITORCALCParameters of Option Rate Calculation Run
VIITORCOBJOption Rate Determination: Result of Calculation Object

Object-Relations   Objectnumber (OBJNR) = IW* for Business Entity, IB* for Building, IG* for Property , IS* for RE-FX Contract

TableTable - nameS/4HANA -Table and general Notes
VIBDOBJASS Object Assignment
VIBDOBJRELObject Relationship A/U Object <-> A/U ObjectA=Architectural view,   U=Usage view Evaluate changes with the transaction RSSCD100 and object class = REBD_OBJREL.
VIBDOBJRELPARTObject Relationship A/U Object <-> A/U Object: PercentA=Architectural view,   U=Usage view.
VIBPOBJREL Business Partner-Object Relationship

Finance Links   Objectnumber (OBJNR) = IW* for Business Entity, IB* for Building, IG* for Property , IS* for RE-FX Contract

TableTable - nameS/4HANA -Table and general Notes
COBRA Settlement Rule for Order Settlement In Logical Database ODK PSJ.
COBRB Distribution Rules Settlement Rule Order Settlement In Logical Database ODK PSJ.
TIVEXFIREPSYMBReplacement of Account Symbol with FI AccountFI-Accounting determination in RE-FX. Evaluate with transaction REISCEACCDET.
TIVRAACCDETAccount Determination

Business Partner   

TableTable - nameS/4HANA -Table and general Notes
ABUSINESSPARTNERBusinesspartnerOnly available in S/4 Shows supplier-, customer- and business-partner relationship.
BP001FS-Specific Attributes; OrganizationGeneral financial services information for the organisation-Businesspartner, eg for the trading partner.
BUT000 Business Partner: General data I Field TYPE for the Business Partner category: 1 = Person, 2 = Organization, 3 = Group. In Logical Database REBP UKM_BUPA.
BUT020Business Partner: Addresses In Logical Database REBP.
BUT0BKBP: Bank Details
BUT100 Business Partner: Roles In Logical Database REBP.
CVI_CUST_LINK Assignment Between Customer and Business Partner Linked to table BUT000 via the field Partner_GUID.
CVI_VEND_LINK Assignment Between Vendor and Business Partner Linked to table BUT000 via the field Partner_GUID.
IBPSUPPLIERView for the supplier - business partnerOnly available in S/4.
IBUPACUSTOMERView for the customer - business partnerOnly available in S/4.
VIBPOBJREL Business Partner-Object Relationship

More RE-FX tables   

TableTable - nameS/4HANA -Table and general Notes
VIBDLOCHIERHierarchical Object Location
VIBDPLANOBJPlan Pooled Space
VIBDPLANOCCPlanned Occupancy of Usage Objects
VIBDPLANPSPlan Pooled Spaces
VIBDROOCCOccupancy History
VIBDSUBOBJNUMCurrent Number Level of Subobject

Country-specific Tables   

TableTable - nameS/4HANA -Table and general Notes
VIXCAJOBJCH01Contract/Rental Object: Adjustment Term Data CH01
VIXCAJSPECH01Contract/Rental Object: Adjustment Rule CH01
VIXCCHESRQRHAssignment ISR Ref./Cash Flow Planned with QR (Header Data)Country-specific information for Switzerland.
VIXCCHESRQRIAssignment ISR Ref./Cash Flow Planned with QR (Item)Country-specific information for Switzerland.

Enterprise Structure   Part of the Customizing. To go to the IMG customizing entry, enter the table name in transaction SM30, click on 'Customizing' and then on 'Continue w/o Specifying Project'.

TableTable - nameS/4HANA -Table and general Notes
T001 Company Codes Edit with transaction OBY6 and OBCL.
VIBDBE Business Entity

Customizing - Tables     Areamenu-Transaction: RECACUST
To go to the IMG customizing entry, enter the table name in transaction SM30, click on 'Customizing' and then on 'Continue w/o Specifying Project'.

TableTable - nameS/4HANA -Table and general Notes
NRIV Number Range Intervals Edit with transaction SNUM. Object=FVVI_RECN for RE-FX contract.
TBZ3BDT Screen Sequences
TBZ3ABDT Screens
TBZ3LBDT-Screen Sequence Categories
TBZ3RAssign BDT Field Group -> BDT Field
TIV26Real Estate Contract Type (Entities)In table TIV26 is the number of the number range, the assignment of the number to the number range is done via transaction FOIX_NR.
TIVAJRULEAdjustment Rules
TIVBDMEASMeasurement Type
TIVBDMEASSUMMeasurement Types - Totalling Within Architecture or Usage
TIVBDOBJASSAllowed Object Assignment Type per Object Type
TIVBPOBJROLEAllowed Role per Object TypeBusinesspartner-Role per RE-FX Object-Type.
TIVCACCSETBasic Settings per Company Code
TIVCACTCNTYPEContract-Type-Dependent Settings for Diff. Condition Crcy
TIVCATEXTCATEAdditional Text Category
TIVCDCONDRELCondition Type per Condition Group
TIVCDFLOWRELReference Flow Type
TIVCERULECCValuation Rule and Company Code
TIVCNCCTADDAttribute for Contract
TIVEXFIDOCTYPEDocument Type DeterminationDetermines the FI-Document Type.
TIVEXFIREPSYMBReplacement of Account Symbol with FI AccountFI-Accounting determination in RE-FX. Evaluate with transaction REISCEACCDET.
TIVG1Municipality KeyView V_TIVBDMUNI also shows the obsolete municipalities.
TIVRAACCDETAccount Determination
TIVSCTRANSACCAssignment of Clearing Account to Cost Account
TIVTMRHTMPLTMTerm: Definition of Templates for Frequency Terms
V_TIVBDBUTBuilding Type

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Additional tables for the following modules at ERP-TOP.COM :

Financial Accounting Module  FI         General Ledger Module  FI-GL         Accounts Receivable Module  FI-AR         Accounts Payable Module  FI-AP         Banks Module  FI-BL         Fixed Assets Module  FI-AA         Controlling Module  CO         Cost Element Accounting Module  CO-OM-CEL         Cost Center Accounting Module  CO-OM-CCA         Internal Orders Module  CO-OM-OPA         Product Cost Controlling Module  CO-PC         Profitcenter Module  EC-PCA         Flexible Real Estate Management Module  RE-FX         Lease Management  RE-FX-LA         Sales and Distribution Module   SD         Materials Management Module  MM         Purchasing Module  MM-PUR         Quality-Management Module  QM         Plant Maintenance Module  PM         Production Planning and Manufacturing Module  PP         Production Planning Process Industries Module  PP-PI         Project System Module  PS         Personnel Management Module  PA         ABAP and Development           for the Basis and Administrators           Cross Module           Business Partner  AP-MD-BP         

Top Transaction - list SAP © Flexible Real Estate Management Module RE-FX

Business Entity   

TransactionTransaction - NameNotes
RE80RE80: RE Navigator
REBDBEProcess Business EntityFor technical information about the object enter "Support" in the command field


TransactionTransaction - NameNotes
RE80RE80: RE Navigator
REBDBUProcess BuildingFor technical information about the object enter "Support" in the command field


TransactionTransaction - NameNotes
RE80RE80: RE Navigator
REBDPRProcess PropertyFor technical information about the object enter "Support" in the command field

Rental Object   

TransactionTransaction - NameNotes
RE80RE80: RE Navigator
REBDROProcess Rental ObjectFor technical information about the object enter "Support" in the command field

Architectural view   

TransactionTransaction - NameNotes
RE80RE80: RE Navigator
REBDAOProcess Architectural Object

Contracts in RE-FX   

TransactionTransaction - NameNotes
RE80RE80: RE Navigator
RECDCGOLCash Flow Update for ContractExecute after migration.
RECNProcess ContractFor technical information about the object enter "Support" in the command field
RECNCHECKMass Check: ContractsExecute after migration.

Option Rates   

TransactionTransaction - NameNotes
REITORCALCOption Rate Determin.: All Objects

Finance Links   

TransactionTransaction - NameNotes
RERAALCNAccrual/Deferral: Contracts
RERAALCN_PDAccr/Deferral: Contracts PstgDate
RERAALCNRVAccrual/Deferral: Reverse Contracts
RERAALCNRV_PDAccrual/Deferral: Reverse Contracts
RERAIVCreate Invoices
RERAPPPeriodic Posting: Contracts
RERAPPRVReverse Contract Postings

Business Partner   

TransactionTransaction - NameNotes
BPMaintain Business PartnerMenu Extras Create/Change to see the BP grouping used for the Business Partner
MDS_LINKSGet the Mapped Cust/Vend/BP

Information System and Reporting   

TransactionTransaction - NameNotes
REBDCACHECKMass Check: Usage ObjectsExecute after migration.
RECALAAnalyze Logs
RECARSGENGenerate Reminder DatesExecute after migration.
RECDCGOLCash Flow Update for ContractExecute after migration.
RECDCHUpdate Cash Flow for Rental ObjectExecute after migration.
RECEISCONDRULECNCondition-Specific Valuation Rules
REISBPInfo System: Objects for Partner
REISCDCFInfo System: Cash Flow
REISCDCFOBJInfo System: Object Cash Flow Contr.
REISCDCNInfo System:Conditions for Contracts
REISCEACCDETAccount Determination CustomizingEvaluate the FI account determination.
REISCNInfo System: Contracts
REISCNBPIS: Business Partners of Contracts
REISCNNTInfosystem: Notice on Contracts
REISCNPEInfosystem: Term of Contracts
REISCNRNInfosystem: Renewal of Contracts
REISROOCInfo System: Occupancy of ROs
RESCCCGenerate Cost CollectorExecute after migration.
RESCPGCHECKMass Check: Participation GroupsExecute after migration.
RESCSUCHECKMass Check: Settlement UnitsExecute after migration.

Customizing - Transactions     Areamenu-Transaction: RECACUST

TransactionTransaction - NameNotes
FO25Number Range for Business Entity
FO27Number Range for Property
FO28Number Range for Building
FOIX_NRNumber Range Maintenance: FVVI_RECNNumber Range for RE-FX Contracts