Top SAP © Table - list ABAP and Development
View table content with transaction SE16, SE16N or SE16H (with HANA-Database) and tablestructure with SE11


TableTable - nameS/4HANA -Table and general Notes
AQGQCATSAP Query: Query CatalogRelationship between user group, query name and InfoSet.
D010TABTable for Use Report<->Tables
D020SSystem table D020S (screen sources)
D020TScreen Short Description
DD02LSAP TablesOverview of all SAP tables in the current system.
DD02T SAP DD: SAP Table Texts All SAP tables in the current system with their names (if translated).
DD02VGenerated Table for View
DD03LTable Fields
DD03TDD: Texts for fields (language dependent)
DD04LData elements
DD04TR/3 DD: Data element texts
DD07LR/3 DD: values for the domains
DD09LDD: Technical settings of tables
DD12LR/3 S_SECINDEX: secondary indexes, header;
DM42SDM Relationship
ENLFDIRAdditional Attributes for Function Modules
FILEPATHLogical File Path Definition
PATHDefinition of Physical File Paths for Each Syntax
SYSTABAP System Fields
T100MessagesEdit with transaction SE91.
T100CMessage Control by UserEdit with transaction OBA5.
TADIRDirectory of Repository ObjectsLinked to table E071 via the fields PGMID, OBJECT and OBJ_NAME.
TAPLTProgram Application Long Texts
TDEVCTTexts for Packages
TFDIRFunction Module
TFTITFunction Module Short Text
TMDIRTable for administering methods in a class
TRDIRGenerated Table for View
TSE05ABAP Editor Template
TSTC SAP Transaction Codes All transactions in the current system with the associated programs. Edit with transaction SE93.
TSTCPParameters for Transactions
TSTCTTransaction Code Texts
VBDATAUpdate data
VBMODUpdate function modules

Variants   Start variant-names with a slash "/" to be visible to all users

TableTable - nameS/4HANA -Table and general Notes
TVARVCTable of Variant Variables (Client-Specific)Edit with transaction STVARV.
VARIDVariant directoryUse function module RS_VARIANT_CONTENTS to determine the variant values.
VARITVariant Texts


TableTable - nameS/4HANA -Table and general Notes
RSODPABAPCDSVIEWCDS: Name of SQL View and Struct. ObjectDie Verbindung zwischen DDLNAME und SQLVIEWNAME.

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Additional tables for the following modules at ERP-TOP.COM :

Financial Accounting Module  FI         General Ledger Module  FI-GL         Accounts Receivable Module  FI-AR         Accounts Payable Module  FI-AP         Banks Module  FI-BL         Fixed Assets Module  FI-AA         Controlling Module  CO         Cost Element Accounting Module  CO-OM-CEL         Cost Center Accounting Module  CO-OM-CCA         Internal Orders Module  CO-OM-OPA         Product Cost Controlling Module  CO-PC         Profitcenter Module  EC-PCA         Flexible Real Estate Management Module  RE-FX         Lease Management  RE-FX-LA         Sales and Distribution Module   SD         Materials Management Module  MM         Purchasing Module  MM-PUR         Quality-Management Module  QM         Plant Maintenance Module  PM         Production Planning and Manufacturing Module  PP         Production Planning Process Industries Module  PP-PI         Project System Module  PS         Personnel Management Module  PA         ABAP and Development           for the Basis and Administrators           Cross Module           Business Partner  AP-MD-BP         

Top Transaction - list ABAP and Development


TransactionTransaction - NameNotes
OBA5Change Message Control
SE18Business Add-Ins: Definitions
SE37ABAP Function Modules
SE80Object Navigator
SE91Message Maintenance
SHD0Transaction and Screen Variants
SO10SAPscript: Standard Texts
ST10Table Call Statistics
ST22ABAP Dump Analysis


TransactionTransaction - NameNotes
SDDLARCDS Analysis and Repair Tools