Business Partner

Top Table - list SAP © Business Partner AP-MD-BP
View table content with transaction SE16, SE16N or SE16H (with HANA-Database) and tablestructure with SE11


TableTable - nameS/4HANA -Table and general Notes
BP001FS-Specific Attributes; OrganizationGeneral financial services information for the organisation-Businesspartner, eg for the trading partner.
BUT000 Business Partner: General data I Field TYPE for the Business Partner category: 1 = Person, 2 = Organization, 3 = Group. In Logical Database REBP UKM_BUPA.
BUT001BP: General data II
BUT020Business Partner: Addresses In Logical Database REBP.
BUT021BP: Address usagesIs no longer filled. Table BUT021_FS is used instead for the different time intervals.
BUT021_FSTime-Dependent Address UsagesThe valid fields have the UTC time stamp format. Use function module CIF_GEN3_CONVERT_TIMESTAMP to convert.
BUT030BP Where-Used List: Usages
BUT030TBP Object Usage: Application Table, Texts
BUT050BP relationships/role definitions: General data
BUT050SBP Relationships/Role Definitions: General Data
BUT051BP Relationship: Contact Person Relationship
BUT052BP Relationship: Addresses
BUT053BP Relationship: Company Interest
BUT0BKBP: Bank Details
BUT0IDBP: ID NumbersBP Identifaction numbers.
BUT0ISBP: Industries
BUT100 Business Partner: Roles In Logical Database REBP.
DFKKBPTAXNUMTax Numbers for Business Partner
VIBPOBJREL Business Partner-Object Relationship For RE-FX Objects

Customer-Tables for the Customer-Vendor-Integration (CVI)   With the roles FLCU00 and FLCU01

TableTable - nameS/4HANA -Table and general Notes
ABUSINESSPARTNERBusinesspartnerOnly available in S/4 Shows supplier-, customer- and business-partner relationship.
CVI_CUST_LINK Assignment Between Customer and Business Partner Linked to table BUT000 via the field Partner_GUID.
IBUPACUSTOMERView for the customer - business partnerOnly available in S/4.
KNA1 General Data in Customer Master Also transaction S_ALR_87012179. In Logical Database BRF DDF SD_KUSTA VC1 VC2 VDF WTY.
KNATCustomer Master Record (Tax Groupings)
KNB1 Customer Master (Company Code) In Logical Database BRF DDF VDF.
KNB5 Customer master (dunning data) In Logical Database BRF DDF.
KNBK Customer Master (Bank Details) In Logical Database BRF DDF.
KNBWCustomer master record (withholding tax types) X
KNEXCustomer Master: Legal Control - Sanctioned Party List
KNKK Customer master credit management: Control area data In Logical Database BRF DDF.
KNVA Customer Master Unloading Points
KNVI Customer Master Tax Indicator
KNVP Customer Master Partner Functions In Logical Database SD_KUSTA VC2.
KNVV Customer Master Sales Data In Logical Database SD_KUSTA VC1 VC2.
TIBAN IBAN In Logical Database IBAN.

Vendor-Tables for the Customer-Vendor-Integration (CVI)   With the roles FLVN00 and FLVN01

TableTable - nameS/4HANA -Table and general Notes
ABUSINESSPARTNERBusinesspartnerOnly available in S/4 Shows supplier-, customer- and business-partner relationship.
CVI_VEND_LINK Assignment Between Vendor and Business Partner Linked to table BUT000 via the field Partner_GUID.
IBPSUPPLIERView for the supplier - business partnerOnly available in S/4.
LFA1 Vendor Master (General Section) Also transaction S_ALR_87012086. In Logical Database BRF KDF WTY.
LFATVendor master record (tax groupings)
LFB1 Vendor Master (Company Code) In Logical Database BRF KDF.
LFB5Vendor master (dunning data)
LFBK Vendor Master (Bank Details) In Logical Database BRF KDF.
LFBWVendor master record (withholding tax types) X
LFM1Vendor master record purchasing organization data
TIBAN IBAN In Logical Database IBAN.
WYT3 Partner Functions


TableTable - nameS/4HANA -Table and general Notes
ADCPPerson/Address Assignment (Business Address Services)
ADR12FTP and URL (Business Address Services)Communication types and identifiers.
ADR2Telephone Numbers (Business Address Services)
ADR3Fax Numbers (Business Address Services)
ADR6E-Mail Addresses (Business Address Services)
ADRC Addresses (Business Address Services) In Logical Database OIRB_LOC REBP.
ADRCITYPostal cities
ADRPPersons (Business Address Services)
ADRTCommunication Data Text (Business Address Services)

Customizing - Tables     Areamenu-Transaction: BUPT
To go to the IMG customizing entry, enter the table name in transaction SM30, click on 'Customizing' and then on 'Continue w/o Specifying Project'.

TableTable - nameS/4HANA -Table and general Notes
NRIV Number Range Intervals Edit with transaction SNUM. For Business Partners the object name is = 'BU_PARTNER'. Maintain the Business Partner number intervals directly via transaction BUCF.
T008Blocking Reasons for Automatic Payment Transcations
T077DCustomer account groups
T077KSupplier Account Groups
T077XAccount Group Names (Table T077D)
T077YAccount Group Names (Table T077K)
TB001BP groupings
TB002BP grouping: Texts
TB003BP RolesText and Translations are in table TB003T.
TB004BP typesText and Translations are in table TB004T.
TB009BP address types
TB039ABP ID TypesText and Translations are in table TB093T.
TBZ3BDT Screen Sequences
TBZ3ABDT Screens
TBZ3LBDT-Screen Sequence Categories
TBZ3RAssign BDT Field Group -> BDT Field
TFKTAXNUMTYPETax Number Categories of Business PartnerFunction Modules for the tax-format checks.
TPARBusiness Partner: Functions

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Additional tables for the following modules at ERP-TOP.COM :

Financial Accounting Module  FI         General Ledger Module  FI-GL         Accounts Receivable Module  FI-AR         Accounts Payable Module  FI-AP         Banks Module  FI-BL         Fixed Assets Module  FI-AA         Controlling Module  CO         Cost Element Accounting Module  CO-OM-CEL         Cost Center Accounting Module  CO-OM-CCA         Internal Orders Module  CO-OM-OPA         Product Cost Controlling Module  CO-PC         Profitcenter Module  EC-PCA         Flexible Real Estate Management Module  RE-FX         Lease Management  RE-FX-LA         Sales and Distribution Module   SD         Materials Management Module  MM         Purchasing Module  MM-PUR         Quality-Management Module  QM         Plant Maintenance Module  PM         Production Planning and Manufacturing Module  PP         Production Planning Process Industries Module  PP-PI         Project System Module  PS         Personnel Management Module  PA         ABAP and Development           for the Basis and Administrators           Cross Module           Business Partner  AP-MD-BP         

Top Transaction - list Business Partner AP-MD-BP


TransactionTransaction - NameNotes
BPMaintain Business PartnerMenu Extras Create/Change to see the BP grouping used for the Business Partner
BUPA_DELDeletion without Archiving
MDS_LINKSGet the Mapped Cust/Vend/BP

Information System and Reporting   

TransactionTransaction - NameNotes
BPB1Evaluation of Business Partner/Roles
BPB2Evaluation of Business Parter Data
BPB4Evaluation of Partner Relationships
BPCDBusiness Partner: Change Documents
REISCNBPIS: Business Partners of Contracts
TBI8Standing Instructions: Evaluations

Customizing - Transactions     Areamenu-Transaction: BUPT

TransactionTransaction - NameNotes
BUCFBP Cust: Number RangesFor Business Partners the object name is = "BU_PARTNER"
BUS23BP Tax: Data Sets
BUS3BDT: Views
XDN1Number Ranges (Customer)
XKN1Number Ranges (Vendor)