Top Table - list SAP © General Ledger Module FI-GL
View table content with transaction SE16, SE16N or SE16H (with HANA-Database) and tablestructure with SE11


TableTable - nameS/4HANA -Table and general Notes
SKA1 G/L Account Master (Chart of Accounts) Field XSPEB GL Account Blocked for Posting. Field XBILK whether Balance Sheet- or Profit & Loss-Account. S/4: New Field "Type of a General Ledger Account" (GLACCOUNT_TYPE) for Cost Element Definition. Edit with transaction OB13. In Logical Database BRF GLU3 SDF.
SKAT G/L Account Master Record (Chart of Accounts: Description)
SKB1 G/L account master (company code) Field XSPEB GL Account Blocked for Posting. In Logical Database BRF GLU3 SDF.

Transactional Data   

TableTable - nameS/4HANA -Table and general Notes
BKPF Accounting Document Header In Logical Database BMM BRF BRM DDF KDF SDF.
BSAS Accounting: Secondary Index for G/L Accounts (Cleared Items)
BSEG Accounting Document Segment In Logical Database BMM BRF BRM DDF KDF SDF.
BSET Tax Data Document Segment In Logical Database BRF BRM.
BSIM Secondary Index, Documents for Material
BSIS Accounting: Secondary Index for G/L Accounts For open items migration G/L Accounts. In Logical Database SDF.
GLT0 G/L account master record transaction figures In Logical Database GLG.
VBKPF Document Header for Document Parking
VBSEGS Document Segment for Document Parking - G/L Account Database
WITH_ITEMWitholding tax info per W/tax type and FI line item

Additional tables for Transactional Data in New General Ledger   

TableTable - nameS/4HANA -Table and general Notes
BSEG_ADD Entry View of Accounting Document for Additional LedgersWhen the document is not relevant for the leading ledger.
FAGLFLEXA General Ledger: Items
FAGLFLEXPGeneral Ledger: Plan Line Items
FAGLFLEXT General Ledger: Totals

New Finance tables in S/4 for Transactional Data    

TableTable - nameS/4HANA -Table and general Notes
ACDOCA Universal Journal Entry Line ItemsOSS-Note 3128916 - FI documents has 999 limit of line item in S/4 HANA ?
ACDOCCConsolidation Journal
ACDOCPPlan Data Line Items


TableTable - nameS/4HANA -Table and general Notes
T007ATax Keys
T007BTax Processing in Accounting
T007STax Code Names
T007VTax Codes to be Transported
T030KTax Accounts Determination
T059AType of Recipient For Vendors
T059BWithholding Tax Classes for Vendors: Names
T059CTypes of Recipient: Vendors per Withholding Tax Type
T059EIncome Types
T059FFormulas for Calculating Withholding Tax
T059GIncome Types: Names
T059KWithholding tax code and processing key
T059PWithholding tax types
T059ZWithholding tax code (enhanced functions)
WITH_ITEMWitholding tax info per W/tax type and FI line item

Accrual Management   

TableTable - nameS/4HANA -Table and general Notes
ACESOBJAccrual Subobject
ACESOBJ_ITEMItem Data for Accrual Subobject
ACESOBJ_ITEM_PERPeriod data of Accrual ItemTransactional Data.

Periodic Processing   

TableTable - nameS/4HANA -Table and general Notes
T001BPermitted Posting PeriodsEdit with transaction OB52.

Enterprise Structure   Part of the Customizing. To go to the IMG customizing entry, enter the table name in transaction SM30, click on 'Customizing' and then on 'Continue w/o Specifying Project'.

TableTable - nameS/4HANA -Table and general Notes
FAGL_SEGMMaster Data for Segments
FM01Financial Management Areas
T001 Company Codes Edit with transaction OBY6 and OBCL.
T004Directory of Charts of AccountsEdit with transaction OB13.
T014Credit control areas
T880Global Company Data (for KONS Ledger)
T881Ledger Master
TFKBFunctional areasText and Translations are in table TFKBT.
TGSBBusiness Areas
TGSBKConsolidation business areas
TKA02Controlling area assignmentAssigment Company Code to Controlling area. Edit with transaction OX19.

FI account determination for the various modules   Part of the Customizing. To go to the IMG customizing entry, enter the table name in transaction SM30, click on 'Customizing' and then on 'Continue w/o Specifying Project'.

TableTable - nameS/4HANA -Table and general Notes
C001 Cust.Grp/MaterialGrp/AcctKey FI-Accounting determination in SD for invoices Edit with transaction VKOA.
T030 Standard Accounts Table FI-Accounting determination in MM. Edit with transaction OBYC or OMWB.
T030KTax Accounts Determination
T030SAccts for Foreign Currency Assets Exchange Rate Difference
T030UAccount Determ.for Balance Sheet Transfer Postings
T074Special G/L AccountsEdit with transaction OBXR.
T095Balance sheet accounts for depreciation areasFI-Accounting determination in FI-AA for the Balance sheet.
T095BG/L accounts value adjustmentFI-Accounting determination in FI-AA for value adjustment.
TIVEXFIREPSYMBReplacement of Account Symbol with FI AccountFI-Accounting determination in RE-FX. Evaluate with transaction REISCEACCDET.
TIVSCTRANSACCAssignment of Clearing Account to Cost Account

Customizing - Tables   To go to the IMG customizing entry, enter the table name in transaction SM30, click on 'Customizing' and then on 'Continue w/o Specifying Project'.

TableTable - nameS/4HANA -Table and general Notes
NRIV Number Range Intervals Edit with transaction SNUM. For FI documents the object name = 'RF_Beleg', value subobject is the company code. Maintain FI-number intervals directly via transaction FBN1.
T003 Document Types for Finance In table T003 is the number of the number range. Edit with transaction OBA7.
T009Fiscal Year Variants
T077SG/L account groups
T077ZAccount Group Names (Table T077S)

Report a missing table or a suggestion for improvement here...

Additional tables for the following modules at ERP-TOP.COM :

Financial Accounting Module  FI         General Ledger Module  FI-GL         Accounts Receivable Module  FI-AR         Accounts Payable Module  FI-AP         Banks Module  FI-BL         Fixed Assets Module  FI-AA         Controlling Module  CO         Cost Element Accounting Module  CO-OM-CEL         Cost Center Accounting Module  CO-OM-CCA         Internal Orders Module  CO-OM-OPA         Product Cost Controlling Module  CO-PC         Profitcenter Module  EC-PCA         Flexible Real Estate Management Module  RE-FX         Lease Management  RE-FX-LA         Sales and Distribution Module   SD         Materials Management Module  MM         Purchasing Module  MM-PUR         Quality-Management Module  QM         Plant Maintenance Module  PM         Production Planning and Manufacturing Module  PP         Production Planning Process Industries Module  PP-PI         Project System Module  PS         Personnel Management Module  PA         ABAP and Development           for the Basis and Administrators           Cross Module           Business Partner  AP-MD-BP         

Top Transaction - list SAP © General Ledger Module FI-GL


TransactionTransaction - NameNotes
FS00G/L acct master record maintenance
FSP0G/L acct master record in chrt/accts

Transactional Data   

TransactionTransaction - NameNotes
FAGLB03Display Balances

Periodic Processing   

TransactionTransaction - NameNotes
F-51Post with Clearing
F.13Automatic Clearing without Currency

Customizing - Transactions   

TransactionTransaction - NameNotes
FBN1Accounting Document Number Ranges
O7F1Clearing field selection conditions
OB13C FI Maintain Table T004Change the lenght of GL account number up to 10 digit max
OBA7C FI maintain table T003Document Types for Finance
OBCLFI Table Maint. T001 (MWSKV+MWSKA)
OBXRC FI Table T074Special G/L Accounts
OBY6C FI Maintain Table T001Company Code Data
OBYAC FI Table T030 vrb+buvClearing accounts for cross-company code postings
OX19Controlling Area: Assgn. to CCode
OXK3Coding Block: Maintain CustomerFieldCustomer-Defined Account Assignments