Top Table - list SAP © Controlling Module CO
View table content with transaction SE16, SE16N or SE16H (with HANA-Database) and tablestructure with SE11
Table | Table - name | S/4HANA -Table and general Notes | COBRA | Settlement Rule for Order Settlement | In Logical Database ODK PSJ. | COBRB | Distribution Rules Settlement Rule Order Settlement | In Logical Database ODK PSJ. | SETHEADER | Set Header and Directory | Cost element-, cost center-, internal order- and profitcenter- groups | SETLEAF | Values in Sets | Cost element-, cost center-, internal order- and profitcenter- groups | SETNODE | Lower-level sets in sets | Cost element-, cost center-, internal order- and profitcenter- groups |
Transactional Data
Table | Table - name | S/4HANA -Table and general Notes | COBK | CO Object: Document Header | COEJ | CO Object: Line Items (by Fiscal Year) | COEP | CO Object: Line Items (by Period) | S/4: Actual data (WRTTP = 04 for actual data and WRTTP = 11 for statistical actual) are stored in table ACDOCA. All other values still stored in table COEP. | COES | CO Object: Sales Order Value Line Items | COOI | Commitments Management: Line Items | Program RKANBU01 to create commitments for purchase requisitions and purchase orders. | COSB | CO Object: Total Variances/Results Analyses | COSP | CO Object: Cost Totals for External Postings | COSS | CO Object: Cost Totals for Internal Postings | COST | CO Object: Price Totals | COVP | CO Object: Line Items (by Period and Document Header) |
New Finance tables in S/4 for Transactional Data
Table | Table - name | S/4HANA -Table and general Notes | ACDOCA | Universal Journal Entry Line Items | OSS-Note 3128916 - FI documents has 999 limit of line item in S/4 HANA ? | ACDOCC | Consolidation Journal | ACDOCP | Plan Data Line Items |
Periodic Processing
Table | Table - name | S/4HANA -Table and general Notes | KAPS | CO Period Locks | Edit with transaction OKP1. |
Enterprise Structure Part of the Customizing. To go to the IMG customizing entry, enter the table name in transaction SM30, click on 'Customizing' and then on 'Continue w/o Specifying Project'.
Table | Table - name | S/4HANA -Table and general Notes | TKA01 | Controlling Areas | TKA02 | Controlling area assignment | Assigment Company Code to Controlling area. Edit with transaction OX19. | TKEB | Management for Operating Concerns (Client-Specific) |
Customizing - Tables Areamenu-Transaction: OKM1
To go to the IMG customizing entry, enter the table name in transaction SM30, click on 'Customizing' and then on 'Continue w/o Specifying Project'.
Table | Table - name | S/4HANA -Table and general Notes | NRIV | Number Range Intervals | Edit with transaction SNUM. | TKA3A | Automatic account assignment - default assignments | S/4: Replaces the default account assignment. |
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Additional tables for the following modules at ERP-TOP.COM :
Financial Accounting Module FI  General Ledger Module FI-GL  Accounts Receivable Module FI-AR  Accounts Payable Module FI-AP  Banks Module FI-BL  Fixed Assets Module FI-AA  Controlling Module CO  Cost Element Accounting Module CO-OM-CEL  Cost Center Accounting Module CO-OM-CCA  Internal Orders Module CO-OM-OPA  Product Cost Controlling Module CO-PC  Profitcenter Module EC-PCA  Flexible Real Estate Management Module RE-FX  Lease Management RE-FX-LA  Sales and Distribution Module SD  Materials Management Module MM  Purchasing Module MM-PUR  Quality-Management Module QM  Plant Maintenance Module PM  Production Planning and Manufacturing Module PP  Production Planning Process Industries Module PP-PI  Project System Module PS  Personnel Management Module PA  ABAP and Development  for the Basis and Administrators  Cross Module  Business Partner AP-MD-BP  Top Transaction - list SAP © Controlling Module CO
Customizing - Transactions Areamenu-Transaction: OKM1
Transaction | Transaction - Name | Notes | OKB9 | Change Automatic Account Assignment |